Quitandinha Palace (Palácio Quitandinha): a landmark of Petrópolis

SAM_0973 Lomo

Rio de Janeiro is very known due to its beautiful beaches, but there are many nice places in the mountain area, such as Petrópolis, which is only about 68 km or 1:30 hour from Rio de Janeiro city.

When it was opened, Palácio Quitandinha was the “Cassino Hotel Quitandinha”, the largest hotel casino in Latin America for two years, during the period when gambling was permitted in Brazil, from 1930 until 1946, when the federal government had outlawed all types of gambling from casinos to games of chance in Brazil. The building makes reference to the Norman style, trend of large European casinos. The interior designs got inspiration from the Hollywood scenarios and was done by the American decorator Dorothy Draper.

After this period, Palace Quitandinha became a luxury hotel and today is under SESC Rio care as a center of culture and fun for the entire audience.

You can visit Quitandinha and learn, through the audio, about its history, curiosities… And there is much more things to visit in Petrópolis, the “Imperial City”. The good thing is because the city is well signed with english directions of turist spots.





Time >>> From  10am to 5pm, Tue-Sat / from 10am to 4pm – on holidays and Sundays. 

Rates >>> BRL 10.00. 

Payment >>> Cash payment R$(real) only.

Where >>> Av. Joaquim Rolla, n º 2 – Petrópolis. Bus from Novo Rio station each 30 minutes… If you do not have a car, it’s the best way  of going. This is the company that does the transportation Rio-Petrópolis, called UTIL – http://www.util.com.br

Website >>> http://www.sescrio.org.br/programacao/02/01/13/visitacao-audioguiada (only in portuguese). 

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